Halls of the Dead
House Nargala-Thotept
This is the Guild of Death.
All enter our houses freely.
None ever leave our company.
©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

All are welcome in my house

All are welcome in my house
The Halls of the Dead
In every adventurer’s life, there comes a time when they must face death. Everyone eventually meets their end, whether in a dungeon, during a fierce battle with a dragon, or simply from old age. In these moments, we must remember the deeds of our fallen friends and comrades. Join us as we celebrate the lives of those who have passed on in the Guild of Death!
Here within the Halls of the Dead, we pay tribute to Our Fallen Adventurers. Here you will find a collection of characters, their stories, songs, and poems dedicated to the memory of those who have died in pursuit of adventure. From heroic tales of battle to heart-wrenching laments for lost loved ones, House Nargala-Thotept is a testament to the courage and sacrifice of all adventurers.
All are welcome in our House, for death is the great equalizer. Whether you were a farmer or a king, all who enter here are equals in death. So come, sit with us a while and share in the stories of those who have gone before us. Let us never forget the brave souls who have died.
Here, we all gather to offer our requiescat to the characters and NPCs that have left us.
Mourn your losses
It’s never easy when one of our favorite adventurers bites the dust, but it’s especially tough when they’re taken down in a way that feels unfair. Any RPG, especially Dungeons and Dragons, can be brutal, and character/NPC death is always possible. But it still doesn’t make losing a character any easier.
When somebody dies in an adventure, it’s always sad. It’s especially hard when they die in a way that feels unfair. But we need to remember our fallen friends and share stories about them. That way, we can ease the pain of their loss. And when we remember them, we can also be inspired to continue with authority and start again with determination, and one would hope, wiser.
Sadly, with all the time you have invested in. your character, all the questing, adventuring, experience gathering, and treasure hoarding you’ve done… it’s all gone now, Ashes to ashes, dust to dust… there’s no easy solution to this problem, but sharing stories and memories of our fallen friends can help ease the pain. Join us in the Halls of the Dead as we remember those who have passed on.
Celebrate your victories
While looking at your character sheet, you are looking at a character’s life well lived (one can only hope). This is when you turn to your gaming memories and celebrate your victories. The time you got out of that sticky situation, or the time you escaped by the enamel of your teeth… Or even that time you won the day, free and clear.
These are the fond memories that your character has given you. This character could play different games in person, over a video conference, or even on a live stream. All those memories are fresh in your head and the player’s hearts that played with you and your character. Tomorrow is a brighter day and the start of a fresh character.
Some players will even put their recently fallen character as part of the new character’s backstory. So raise your glass, goblet, stein, or horn, and drink a toast to your fallen friend, alter ego, character, or NPC… Don’t be sad; grab a new character, and begin again! This is more than ok; it’s pretty normal if you had a character that lived a long and wonderful life full of adventure and friends.
Where the story ends and begins
These Halls of the Dead are a testament to the courage and sacrifice of all adventurers. So come, sit with us a while and share in the stories of those who have gone before us. Let us never forget the brave characters and NPCs who have died so we may live boldly in their memory. Drink a toast to your fallen friend, alter ego, character, or NPC as we celebrate their well-lived life! As we sit and remember our fallen friends, let us also be inspired to continue with authority and start again with determination.
When your character has achieved something great, it’s only natural to feel proud of them. After all, they’re the ones who went out there and did the fighting (or magic-ing or sneaking…), So take a moment to celebrate their victory.
Time heals all wounds, but without a character, you can’t play an RPG, so it’s time to wipe away those tears (be it of pain or joy) and time to craft a new character or NPC again! Take the required time (a day, maybe two) and talk to your peers, the gaming friends of your fallen character. Some may have gotten attached to the fictional character they created, and the only way to celebrate a character or NPCs passing is to hold a wake, and you could even hold a party in your character’s honor!
No matter how you choose to celebrate, make sure to take a moment to appreciate everything your character has done for you. After all, they’re one of the reasons why your RPG experiences are so memorable.
To avoid their character’s untimely death, players should take heed of the following lessons learned:
- Pay attention to the clues and hints your DM provides
- Have a solid battle plan before engaging enemies
- Make sure your allies are just as prepared as you are
- Heal up between fights, and don’t push yourself too hard
- Always be on the lookout for traps
While it’s impossible to avoid character death entirely, being aware of the dangers and taking precautions can help keep your adventurer alive for longer. So go out there and have fun, but be safe! And if the worst does happen, remember that you can always start again. Halls of the Dead awaits…
For those who feel lost
Some serious words for the community and players out there. To some players the game and their character is everything. There are those that might not be okay after they lose their favorite RPG character. It’s okay to feel a deep sense of loss after countless hours were spent and it’s normal to grieve. For some, a character’s death might not be the heroic end that inspires songs and tales. For some, this hits closer to home than anyone can understand.
You are not alone. Whether this is something you face or know someone in this situation. There’s help in the real world to help cope with these feelings. You are never alone. Below are two links for anyone feeling conflicted or needing to reach out:
Available resources to help in suicide prevention
988lifeline –Â Suicide and crisis lifeline organizations that help.
Jasper’s Game-Day – For players and people struggling and needing somewhere to turn.

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â
Annals of the fallen
Fallen Comrades
Obituary of Rowan Greycastle
Obituary of Rowan Greycastle was a crusader and woman of the cloth who lived for 725 years, saving as many lives as she took. Her courage in danger, valiance against evil and brightness when encased by darkness make her an inspiration to us all – may peace forever reside alongside her in eternal