The Shapers Guild
House Zend-Wynn
In the vast expanse of Ertha, the Shapers are skilled artisans, capable of crafting mystical items that amplify strength or offer defense. However, their crafting adheres to clandestine principles, unique to their circles.
The Shapers Guild represents one facet of a once unified coin the old fraternity and its counterpart in the sorority. The Shapers imbued their inventions with magic, creating awe-inspiring weapons and enchanting rings. Tragically, the First Age War saw the demise of the original Shapers’ fraternal guild.
As the embers of the war faded, the Shapers’ sorority, previously concealed in the shadows, emerged, embracing a newfound prominence during the Second Age’s reformation. Throughout the war, they discreetly salvaged the precious knowledge of the dwindling Shapers’ fraternity, preserving a legacy on the brink of oblivion.

Didn’t Look Like That A Minute Ago

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

Didn’t Look Like That A Minute Ago
Guild of
Crystal & glass are like life. Multi-faceted
Guild of
Try that again and I’ll tan your hide.
Guild of
It’s not magic. It’s ingrained in our work
Not everything can be shaped, what can be becomes truly spectular.
~ Z’raun | House Zend-Wyrn
Shaping The Future
Ertha’s complex history is an intricate blend of magic, craftsmanship, bravery, and rebirth. Its pages reverberate with tales of guilds and groups that shaped its destiny. The Shapers Guild, renowned as master builders, once stood as bastions against the darkness. Their unparalleled skill in forging mystic weapons and armor defended Ertha during the First Age War.
Tragedy of Firefall Remembrance
In a tragic assault by vengeful elder gods, the Shapers faced a cataclysm. On the haunting night of the Firefall Remembrance, their guild was obliterated, pushing their expansive knowledge to the brink of extinction. Yet, the memory of their sacrifice lingers, symbolized by floating paper lanterns illuminating the night sky in their honor.
Rise of the Shapers Guild
From the Shapers’ ashes, a new Shapers Guild arose—primarily composed of talented women from diverse races. They became Ertha’s new torchbearers of craftsmanship. All walks of life on Ertha contributed distinct skills, leading to harmonious masterpieces under the revered banner of House Zend-Wynn.
Discovery of Shapermancy
During the First Age’s zenith, a powerful elemental magic form called ‘Shapermancy’ emerged. Diversifying into the elements this art thrived. Exceptionally, every few generations, a human woman arises with the unique prowess to command all elements, marking the zenith of Shapermancy.
House Zend-Wynn: An Emblem of Hope Today, House Zend-Wynn represents revival and hope. By decoding salvaged scrolls they’ve produced mesmerizing weapons and armor, captivating Ertha. With a blend of ancestral wisdom and innovative insights, a meticulous training regimen ensures the guild’s growth remains rooted in their lost legacy while forging a distinct path forward.