The Navigator’s Guild

House Fallowmeer

When your party goes out into the Dicesongs world, Ertha, you’ll want to hire Navigators. The Guild of Navigators is a trustworthy organization to hire when your party ventures into Dicesongs. They have been exploring this new world for many centuries and know every inch it contains, as well as all its borders between countries or tribes with different customs depending on where you wander off to!

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only. 
Symbol for the Navigator's Guild, House Fallowmeer

It’s just a jump to the left…

Symbol for the Navigator's Guild, House Fallowmeer
Symbol for the Navigator's Guild, House Fallowmeer

It’s just a jump to the left…


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Symbol for the Cartographer's Guild, House Ebron-Varoon

​All paths on all worlds are known to us.

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The Guild of

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Symbol for the Legends & Lore Guild, House Pleayashayne

There once was a dwarf who mined in a pit.

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The Guild of

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Symbol for the Guilds of the Crossroads, House Churlominia

We follow the roads that travelers do not take.

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I know a shortcut to get you there. Safe and sound, that’s extra.

Guides to Journeying

It’s easy to get lost in thought when traveling, especially if the journey is long and complicated. Who knows what could be waiting for us at our destination? But it doesn’t need to worry! All that needs doing now are a few small things before we cross into their lands uninvited – like hiring a Navigator. House Fallowmeer, The Navigators Guild is a vital organization in the world of Ertha. The Navigators are the guides that, when under contract, are always helping people find what they are looking for. Every Navigator also has a standing contract to search for the remnants of what once was and the secrets they contain.

The Navigators that you can employ are your guides. They know the way far better than the locals, as it’s their job. They know where you can cross and the borders you may need a gift to be allowed to enter. Also, once inside a border, you might find it more challenging to get out. Once again, your Navigator Guide to the rescue. You are about to embark on your greatest adventure, but first, you’ll want the best guides.

There are several types of trips where guides will meet up with travelers at specific points along the journey so they can assist them if necessary – this is called “guided activities.” To some, this is a more affordable approach to their solo or group adventures.

The Changed World

How the great war of the First Age changed the world
The great war of the First Age changed the world in several ways. For one, the landscapes of Ertha were altered significantly, with huge tracts of land being left scarred and desolate. The war also profoundly affected Ertha’s races, with many being forced to flee their homes or take up arms in defense of their lands. The effects of the war were also felt in the spirit realm, as the old gods of chaos were finally defeated and the Shadowgate sealed, which ended the First Age and ushered in a new era of Ertha’s history. As such, it is clear that the First Age’s great war changed the two profoundly.

The rise of the Great Guilds

The rise of the Great Guilds can be traced back to the birth of the Second Age. With the Reformation Act, the old system of government was overturned, and a new era of democracy began. The Houses were formed in response to this change and quickly established themselves as a powerful force in the new order. The Great Guilds were formed by combining several smaller houses, and their influence soon spread throughout the land. They became the dominant force in politics and commerce forming alliances with other groups further strengthened their powerups. The rise of the Great Guilds was a major turning point in the history of the Second Age, and their influence can still be felt today.

The future after the great war

World’s future after the great war, a Uniting of the houses, forming the Great Guilds, and New laws held by the House of the Holy RolleThe Arbiters enforce peace terms. The Uniting of the houses came about because many people wing killed in the fighting between them. They decided it would be better to have one in charge of everything. This way, there would be no more fighting, and everyone would be safe. The Great Guilds were formed to help with the Uniting of the houses. They are responsible for ensuring that all the houses are doing what they are supposed to be doing and following the rules. The New laws of the House of the Holy Rollers holders are designed to keep everyone safe and ensure no more fighting. These laws are very strict. The Arbiters enforce theaters. The Arbiters are a group of people who make sure that everyone is following the rules and that they are not breaking any laws. They also make sure that there is no more fighting between the houses.


The Navigators Guild

The Navigators Guild has existed since the First Age. It is one of the few great houses that survived the purging fires of the Shadowgate and all that came from the Great First Age War. The guild holds a deep and ancient secret that only a select few at the highest offices are aware of. The actual truth would shatter the world of Ertha and all those who are within it. In truth, the Navigators Guild works in lock-step with the Cartographers guild, House Ebron-Varoon, but none truly know the depths of this dual Guild alliance.

Making Friends

After your adventures and your Navigator guide return to the guild, your exploits are shared during the meals once the after-action report is filed. Depending on how your experience went, you and your party might have more friends than you knew what to do with. Some of these friends are more than happy to see you again. Other friends can’t wait to get their hands on you, not in a good way.

A Navigator’s reputation is as important as your is. Whenever a Navigator is contracted to your adventures, their reputation is also on the line. Depending on how you or your party are while out in the world of Ertha, knowingly or not, you may have ruffled feathers, and your reputation might need some repair work. Depending upon the situation, a Navigator will do their best to save your reputation (and their own).

It is worth mentioning how you are with others while out in the world of Ertha; those good and bad deeds get around! There is always a possibility that your new friends may be waiting for you when you return to when you started.

Your Navigator won’t be on hand when this happens; however, depending on the situation, you may not have to fight your way out of that situation; otherwise, you might find a contract being filed with another guild. Nobody wants to get a contract on them, and Ertha can be dangerous when this happens.

It is always good to have scary friends when you need them but never advised when unscrupulous friends come looking for you!

When you return to hire another Navigator, depending on how many feathers were ruffled on your last adventure, you may not get a guide, or worse, you might get precisely what you deserve! Remember, aside from the reputation that will precede you, the same goes for the guide you’ve employed.

Navigators’ Secrets

The Navigators Guild has found many interesting things while searching for remnants of the past. Some of these things include ancient landmarks that were created with technology that does not exist today. I believe that the guild’s findings are important as they provide us with insights into the world’s history.

Safe Passages are like secret doors in a game. They allow you to bypass obstacles and explore new areas without being threatened by monsters or other players on your journey through Ertha. These hidden paths aren’t found on any map because Navigators who know about them help only those with access pass safely into unknown territory.

I want to tell you a deep secret Ertha; not everything is as it seems. There are secrets above and below. There are also spaces that the old gods have forgotten about. A select number of the Navigators know of this mythic highway between the areas. There are several ways to get in; however, these ancient pathways take you to hidden lands and forgotten realms. Some of the Navigators even joke that time works differently there, and a journey that would take a week can only take a day if you know how to get there.

Duty of Care

By now, you must be asking yourself why there is a need for the Navigators Guild. The answer is simple but has many parts. For as long as anyone can remember, the world’s landscape completely changed after the battle ended in the First Age. What used to exist either stands in ruin or has been completely removed from the face of Ertha.

When the Second age began, and the houses were formed, there were a scattered number of Navigators trying to find the survivors. As the world started to rebuild and heal, there was a solid need for a localized source to hold all this knowledge. What was known was all transcribed into this guild’s historical tomes. Aside from being the local resource to help one find what they seek, the Navigators Guild is also out in Ertha, looking for remnants of what once was.

Some believe that there are forgotten lands, places, and places that need to be rediscovered. Also, there’s a centralized belief that the world had wonders that many would like to rediscover before the first age. Some of the ancient landmarks are made by a technology that does not exist today. Some would almost call the Navigators guild a bit of a historical branch. In the end, everyone benefited from their pooled knowledge of the world, and the cartographers guild, a sister to the Navigators, worked for hand in hand, re-mapping all that was lost and taking cues from the Legends Lore Guild, seeking out what wants to be rediscovered.

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Postcards from the Edge

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only. 

Té Travel Gates

In the delicate balance of Ertha’s twilight and dawn lies the enigma of the Té Arched Travel Gates, where ancient pathways offer peril, promise, and tales untold beneath seven moonlit skies

The Wanderers

Within the Dicesongs world, it is encouraged wanderers to go anywhere and everywhere. There is so much to see, do, explore, learn, and even profit.

There and back again

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