The Augurs Guild
House Whialkh-S’def-jah
I see what you are up to, where you have been, and how it will end. We can see into the ripples in what could be, possibilities and the never-weres are all within our sight. Your future is still being written; however, your past has dictated your present. Will past events teach you what you need to navigate your future? This we cannot see, but the potential of your decisions we can. The perception of time is always misunderstood.
©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

We divine meaning in all things

We divine meaning in all things
Society of
The Fates have written it in the stars
Order of
There are many guides in many forms.
Gathering of
If I told you, would that change anything?
The frames of the past, present, and future… I can see them all
It’s About Time
There always seems to be a perception that time moves from left-right. You are born, you live, and die. One hopes that you grow, both physically and mentally. You gather experiences, and if lucky, get old, before you kick off (or get knocked off). What nobody ever understands is that time is not fixed.
Since time is not fixed, but a collection of choices that you make, there are potential outcomes that can occur. Depending on who you are, and how you interact with everything and everyone on Ertha, allows us to see into your potential future.
Those who have the gift, have the ability to see the river of time. Yes, time does work as a river, however, if you make a change to the river down the road, the flow of the river will change. It will never stop, it will always push through. There are events, however, that can make the river slow, and in extreme events, can even make the river stop, for all but a moment. Are you prepared to make the payment slowly or stop it? Sometimes, your outcome may not be able to change it, however, always remember, it is not just about you, we all affect the river of time differently.
The Gift That Keeps Giving
The Augurs in House Whialkh-S’def-jah each have a gift that is used. Telepathic, Empathic, Prophetic, Secretmancy, Luckmancy, Horomancy, and Sanguimancy. Depending upon how you need to access the river of time, these are the doors that you will walk through. In the next sections, we will explain what each one does, and how it interacts with the river.
The benefit of being a member of the Augers guild is that you learn to bring out your abilities to sense things before they happen. For those who do not have the gift, some techniques allow them to be more aware of their surroundings. This is paramount when you are out in the world of Ertha on your own or in a group. It’s a skill set highly coveted by many if they can handle the training (handle as in survive).
There are many gifts that one may have, and in the list below, we cover some of them. For those who wish to hire an Auger’s services, House Whialkh-S’def-jah has much to offer.
From the very moment you walked into our guild halls, you were greeted, however, what you did not know is that your greeter is Telepathic and reads your intentions. The very reason you are here is for that reason. They sensed you had a curiosity, and wanted to know more. Perhaps you were unsure about your choices made while out on an adventure, or perhaps you wanted to know a possible outcome before heading out on your quest. Either way, you were scanned, read, and since you are still standing here, only proves that you did not intend to harm us.
Those who have this gift of mind-reading, unlike what others might tell you, do not need to actually touch you. Yes, there are techniques that you can learn, how to prevent a scan, however, you would not be this deep into our house if you could. You would have either remained at the entrance or you would have found yourself back out on the street from whence you came.
When one of our members scans you, it is a light scan, nothing deep or too invasive. A light scan, you’ll never know or feel, however, if it was a deeper scan, it would feel like a spider is walking in your mind, ever so slowly, and yes, you would know it was us. Though this is a nice ability to have, it does not however tell your future. Those with this ability usually are hired out on a guild contract, for the purpose of contract negotiations, or business deals to ensure the other party member is not lying. During times of war, our guild will be tasked to provide spies to aid in the war. We did this during the first age, and many of our inexperienced readers, unfortunately, went mad, when they thought they were reading a human, when in fact it was a demon in a human disguise. But during war times, this can happen.
Yes, our Telepaths are available to join your quests, however, there are stipulations that you must agree to, to bring one along as you will be in charge of their safety both physically and mentally.
When you were allowed to enter the hall, past the area you first came into, you were greeted by a second person, your guide who offered to take some of your things, get the dust off of you and offer you refreshment. That guide was one of the house’s Empaths. They have the ability to read your emotional state. Another way to look at it is that they have the ability to place themselves in your shoes for a moment and get a true sense of your intent. Since you were allowed to pass into this second checkpoint, only proves that your intentions are of somebody with curiosity but level-headed. Perhaps somebody you know referred you to us, or you just came on your own, but we are sure that you must have heard of our guild, otherwise, you would not have sought us out.
You will notice that our second greeter, they were on the same wavelength as you, this is by the design. If they sensed any ill intent from you, again, you would not be where you are right now. It is one thing to have another offer you sympathy or compassion, as from somebody from the outside looking inwards this can seem comforting. However, our Empaths have the uncanny ability to actually feel what you are feeling and understand from there, how to assist better.
During the second age war, our Empaths were used in the healing centers, mainly as assistance. It allowed the healers to do what they do best, heal. Every healing temple would have several empaths from our house working there, and remain so today.
This ability can be nurtured and taught to those who are willing to tap into themselves, however, this task can be full of fear and dread, as you have to look at yourself in areas that your own personality perhaps has guarded you against yourself. The training can drive one to the fringes of insanity, as many are not prepared to see who they truly are.
Those who seek out this training are usually either healers, priests, monks, or druids, as these types of people are there, to help others than help themselves. The rewards are more of a personal nature, however, you’ll not become rich for it, only rich in the relationships and memories you will make.
Now we get to why you are here. You are looking to know a secret. You wish to know a thing, but you cannot ask anyone at your party. There are many different methods to this technique that you seek.
There are the cards, utilized to give you a glimpse at a possible outcome or future event. Then you have the scrying mirror, where you tell me what you seek, and I’ll look into the void, and see what I can see. When you are done with your tea, I can read the tea leaves for you, this I will do a courtesy.
The ability to read the cards is easy to learn, and honestly, anyone can do it. Same with reading tea leaves, stones, or bones. There is also the ability to listen to the Wind, however, that requires one to leave the guild and go into nature to hear what is being offered.
If you somebody like me hired out to your party, we can tell you what the wind says, and listen to what you normally cannot hear. Those techniques to listen to the wind take somebody with a connection to the natural world of Ertha. One could say that we have a lot in common with the Druids of old, yet, we are not of their kin, but a sisterhood to them.
If what is offered here isn’t what you are looking for, might we suggest that you continue your journey in our guild as there are many others with different types of talents to aid you?
Have you ever met somebody that was just lucky? We are not talking about a one or two-time event, but they always seem to be just lucky. If you bring us something of theirs, we can tell you why. Perhaps they are using magic to aid their luck? They could be wearing an artifact that adds luck to everything that they do. There could be a more insidious reason why they are so lucky and don’t you want to know too?
Those who have luck, and those who do not always tend to seek us out. They either are jealous of the luck they see with another or in fact, they secretly wish they were as lucky too. This luck might translate to what occurs during battle, at playing the games of chance, or even when they are invited to another chamber for the night.
Luckmancy is an art, not a skill. One can’t learn how to be lucky, however, with the aid of magic, one can become lucky enough. There are ways also to remove one’s luck from another, however this topic we do not teach, and for that, you will have to seek out the guild that teaches magic.
You are ready now, for the final stage in the journey of what you seek. You see, your blood holds the key to what you seek. Within the blood is your soul. Your soul is a key that will unlock your potential future set forth by the challenges you experience in your life. You see, the decisions you make, set you on a different course. So your decisions made, or not made, activates the energies within your blood, and allow you to navigate the river of time, into the great ocean of destiny.
If blood was currency, how much are you willing to spend, to find out exactly what you seek? With this ancient form of divination, we can accurately pinpoint what you are seeking up to three different variations. Why three you ask? Simple, Let us explore why three first shall we?
If I tell you, you only have two choices, this or that – that is not a choice, that is an ultimatum. However, if I show you three doors to choose from, in fact, that is the truest form of choice. So why can’t we isolate you to one door, the truth is quite simple really, it is up to you in the end, to pick the path that you are going to go on. Let’s dig deeper (this won’t hurt much).
Let us presume, you pay the basic fee, a bit of blood from your hand, not too much that you would miss anyways. From our techniques, we are able to view the river of time and see the currents of your life, and how you ended up at our doorstep. From there, we have to go further, into the great ocean of destiny. From there, we can see the currents of your life, and how they have interacted with everything and everyone on Ertha. We can see the spiritual bill that you have been racking up, the positives and negatives. From this, we are able to ascertain what your potential outcome will be, down to three.
You see, nobody truly can see into anyone’s final future, however, we can tell up to a season, day or night, if you are alone, or at a party, and the potential outcomes. Either you will be victorious, or you won’t. Perhaps you get what you seek but die for it, maybe you don’t. If we were able to say fully what you will or won’t do, at that point we are no longer telling you your future, but we are transcribing your actual fate. Not only is that impossible, unless you are a god or deity but there are also universal rules that we do not break. Even a demon can’t guarantee you the future you want. Sure they can promise you things and offer you powers, tools, and abilities, however, the final outcome will always fall down to three possibilities.
Another way to look at this is how you view the truth. If you have not visited the House of the Holly Rollers, we suggest to you, that you do, for they know and understand that Truth has three sides. I bet you didn’t know that right? It is true, the simple fact is the truth has three sides. Those sides are your truth, our truth, and the actual truth that lies someplace between.
This technique that we use to read your blood, or the blood of anyone (or anything) can also be taught, however, you have to already have magic within you. You can’t use an enchantment or an artifact to create an artificial connection to the type of magic that we use, it just won’t work.
Unlike the darker rituals that demons will implore, like Horomancy, the reading of a future by making a sacrifice, and watching how it unfolds, this is forbidden to us to use for this very reason. This is why it has to be your blood, for your future. The blood has to be given freely and willingly. If it is forced, then you are going against universal laws, and the outcome will never be in your favor. Plus we don’t want to have to explain ourselves to the Star Chamber why we are violating cosmic laws, nor do we wish to have an Arbiter show up at our doorstep.
So my dear adventurer, how much are you willing to spend, to get your answer?

Past, Present and Futures
©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â
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