The Guild of the Crossroads
House Churlominia
Older than time, we are the finders of the lost within the Dreamscape. We are the travelers of unseen roads in the Dreamtime. We are the Guides and Guardians at the Crossroads of the wakeless minds.
Join us at the Crossroads.
House Churlominia is an ancient order that is older than time itself. It is known as the finder of the lost, a traveler of unseen roads, and a guardian at the crossroads. Its members have access to the dreamscape and can be found there, offering guidance and protection to those who wander within it.
As guides and guardians, House Churlominia strives to bring balance and peace to the wakeless minds that pass through its domain. They are compassionate yet firm in their approach, providing clarity for those who seek it most desperately. House Churlominia is often sought out by those seeking answers or knowledge beyond what mortal understanding can provide.
Those who come seeking solace from House Churlominia are rarely disappointed, for they are always taken care of and given what they need most.
©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

The road leads ever onward…

The road leads ever onward…
Assembly of
We can turn nightmare into inspiration.
Wardens of
The in-between places must be guarded.
Guardians of
Many are the old things that want in.
This world is one of the many paths we walk
Navigating The Dreams
Navigating Dreams can be a powerful and dangerous experience. It is an organization that requires one to be prepared for the consequences of their actions. Dreamscape and Dreamtime provide unparalleled power and knowledge, but the crossroads can be dangerous. This is why so many seek out the Guild of the Crossroads; they are experts in safely guiding Dreamwalkers through the realms of dreams. They understand that navigating these territories requires preparation, awareness, and caution; it is not something to take lightly. With them by your side, you can feel secure knowing that you are ready for whatever lies ahead in the dreamscape or Dreamtime. The Guild of the Crossroads is invaluable in navigating The Dreams – they provide security and assurance as you traverse these powerful and dangerous realms. The Guild is a means to enter into different aspects of the Dreamscape and Dreamtime, which can offer adventurers unparalleled power and knowledge. However, the crossroads can also be dangerous, and members of the Guild should be prepared for anything they might encounter.
The Dreamwalkers are entities that have been around since before time. They exist in the realms of the Dreamscape and have immense power and knowledge. Some consider them between the old and new gods, as their powers and abilities only exist in the realms of the Dreamscape.
There are proper ways to enter the Crossroads, ideally from sleep, but as members of the Guild will discover, there are other means to enter, from the physical. There are ways to cross over into the Crossroads by going against all that is natural. If this is done, adventurers risk letting out something that should not be, and then they are most likely tasked by an Arbiter for its return to the Void.
The Crossroads is also a great place for members of the Guild to learn more about themselves and, in essence, the bit of Evil that exists in them. This is a great help for adventurers who truly know themselves and won’t surprise themselves or anyone else if they are at a party on a quest. However, the whole point is to learn and grow; sometimes, members of the Guild have to experience that for themselves.
Sacred Three
The Sacred Three are the arbiters, guardians, and seekers of the Crossroads. The Arbiters are responsible for keeping the peace in this mystical realm – they are tasked with mediating disputes between various factions and ensuring that order is maintained throughout all of its planes. The Guardians serve as protectors of the Crossroads – they guard its entrances and keep those who wish to cause harm or chaos at bay. Finally, the Seekers seek knowledge and wisdom within this mythical realm – they seek to uncover secrets hidden from mortal eyes and discover new sources of power. All three roles are essential to preserving balance within the Crossroads, making them a crucial part of its fabric.
The Guild of the Crossroads comprises three main factions: The Arbiters, The Guardians, and The Seekers.
The Arbiters are the ones who keep the peace in the Crossroads. They ensure that nothing gets out of hand and everyone follows the rules. They are also the ones who hand out punishments to those who break the rules. If the name sounds familiar, it is a simple fact, in the waking world and in the Dreamtime, the Arbiters exist.
The Guardians are the ones who protect the Crossroads from outsiders. They ensure that only those supposed to be at the Crossroads are at the Crossroads. They are also the ones who help Adventurers who are lost or in danger.
The Seekers are the ones who are always looking for new and interesting things at the Crossroads. They are the ones who bring back information to the rest of the Guild by those who commune with the Seekers. You see, the Seekers can create direct contact with those in the waking world; however, when they do this, it pulls the waking one into a trance-like state… Those with this ability are only responsible for communications with the Seekers, as they have little control over when the trance states start or end..they are also the ones who help Adventurers who are looking for something specific in the Crossroads.
Hierarchy in Dreams
The Guild of the Crossroads has a complex hierarchy based on power and influence. The higher you are in the hierarchy, the more power and influence you have.
The Arbiters are at the top of the hierarchy. They are the ones who enforce them, even in the Dreamscape. They are also the ones who hand out punishments to those who break the rules.
The Guardians are below the Arbiters in the hierarchy. They are the ones who protect Crossroads from outsiders. They ensure that only those supposed to be at the Crossroads are at the Crossroads. They are also the ones who help Adventurers who are lost or in danger.
The Seekers are below the Guardians in the hierarchy. They are the ones who are always looking for new and interesting things in the Crossroads. They bring back information to the rest of the Guild. They are also the ones who help Adventurers who are looking for something specific in the Crossroads.
The Guild of the Crossroads is a very secretive organization. They do not reveal themselves to anyone who is not a member of the Guild. They also do not reveal their location to anyone who is not a member of the Guild. Membership in the Guild of the Crossroads is not taken lightly. One must go through tests and trials to be a member of the Guild.
The Trials of Three
The first test is the Test of Willpower. This test is designed to see if the person has the willpower to control their dreams. The Dreamscape works differently than the real world. In the Dreamscape, typically, those who enter are flying. Those who choose to walk either have a fear of flight or take with them the rules of the waking world into the Dreamscape. If this is the case, this is part of the first test, letting go and understanding that they are in a different type of reality. If they can pass this test, then they are allowed to move on to the next test.
The second test is the Test of Strength. This test is designed to see if the person has the physical strength to handle the power of the Crossroads. Everything works differently. Normal laws of the world do not work here, as the power of the individual mind controls the environment. You are in the Dreamscape, but the core of it is the willpower of the character that has entered it. Once the character understands this, there are still universal rules that one must follow; that being said, if they can pass this test, they are allowed to move on to the next test.
The third and final test is the Test of Knowledge. This test is designed to see if the person has the mental strength to handle the knowledge of the Crossroads. The Crossroads is the point that one enters the Dreamscape. From here, if the first two tests were passed, then the ability to control what is around them, for the most part, is key; the ability to endure what comes to them, or at them, is also key. If they can pass this test, they have the right to join the Guild.
Once someone becomes a member of the Guild of the Crossroads, they are given a special key that allows them access to different areas of the Crossroads. The Key is both physical and mental. The physical is a token to show all that they are a member of the Guild, and a mental Key is a tool that allows the Guardian to allow them passage without any further tests.
The Guild of the Crossroads is a very powerful organization. They have access to a lot of knowledge and power. They also have a lot of influence in the waking world.
When Characters Dream
RPG characters are no different from any other living creature in that they need rest and sleep to stay healthy and functioning. But what do RPG characters dream of? Depending on the game, some may dream of grand adventures, exciting battles, or saving the world. Others might dream of a simpler life with family and friends, while some may even have dreams of other realms and magical creatures. These dreams can become a reality for those playing RPGs as they explore the world within the game. Whether it’s slaying dragons or simply taking a ride on an airship, RPG characters can find themselves dreaming about what their next adventure will be. With every quest completed, an RPG character gains new knowledge and experiences which can further shape their dreams at night when they rest. So whether their dreams come true or remain in their heads, all RPG characters are bound to experience them as they sleep off their fatigue from battle.
Benefits of Character Dreams
RPG Dreams have become an untapped resource for the benefits that come from role-playing games. Dream role-playing provides a unique way to experience the virtual world of role-playing games in an entirely new way. When an RPG character dreams, they can explore and experiment with new skills and abilities, a great opportunity to develop character growth. It is also beneficial for those who push their boundaries and discover new aspects of themselves and their characters. Dreams can offer insight into how characters think, feel, and interact with the world around them. Furthermore, it can lead to interesting plot points or ideas that may be used in future stories or campaigns. Ultimately, RPG dreams provide players with an immersive and exciting experience that could not be achieved by any other means.

The Path Not Taken
©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â
Further Down The Road
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