Cartel of Chance
House Amrizodrix
It’s a great place you have here. We hope nothing bad happens to it. If only we could protect this from the dangers from the outside world. We can, with just one simple payment plan every week… The future of your property depends on how well you can repay the loan. A payment plan that ensures ongoing repayment will keep it safe. We don’t want to see this beautiful property go to ruin, so please consider our offer and let us help.

Luck is an illusion for suckers

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

Luck is an illusion for suckers
Time is the one thing I haven’t stolen…yet.
Ever hear the saying “thick as thieves”?
We’re not above the law…already have one.
Let’s flip for it…
~ Frake The Enforcer | Billings | Cartel Member
Family Business
House Amrizodrix is a criminal organization specializing in shady business dealings, such as gambling, prostitution, and racketeering. Those looking for work should check out the Job Board, as there’s always something for a member like yourself. The Job Board is also ideal for new members to make their bones and pay their dues.
The Cartel of Chance would be able to use its resources to intimidate others into doing their bidding. Members of House Amrizodrix would also be skilled in street magic, allowing them to blend in with the general population and avoid detection. This is a good way for their foot soldiers to keep an eye on their business investments and deal with anything that should arise.
House Amrizodrix’s headquarters is at The Cartel of Chance Guild, but it has smaller offices everywhere. It would have a network of contacts and informants that would allow them to keep tabs on its rivals and the goings-on anywhere they have a business interest. House Amrizodrix also has a strict code of conduct that its members would enforce. Failure to adhere to the code of conduct would result in a dirt nap.
House Amrizodrix is the Cartel of Chance. Those under the Cartel’s protection have very little to worry about. Should they experience any uncomfortable situations, all they need to do is get word back to the Cartel or any of their members, and actions will be taken to protect all of our interests. Remember, your business is our profits. The Guild is an entrepreneur, always looking for its next investment with a steady stream of profits.
To its Guild members, they offer protection and a sense of community. Should you be looking for work, there’s always something that the Cartel has cooking. All members of House Amrizodrix give something back to the Guild. Your gift (a sharing of your earnings) will depend upon your status in the Guild. For those who are new (and at the very bottom), you are expected to contribute 60% or more of your profits for your training, food, lodging, and training.
In return, you will receive benefits such as food and a place to lay your head and keep your things safe. Most importantly, the Cartel of Chance takes care of its own. They offer protection from other rivals and shady folks.
The Cartel uses street magic to attract new members and build rapport with others. The street magic is a front, as it allows its members to hide in plain sight, watching the workings of day-to-day life, allowing them to see where they can set up shop, who will take a bribe, and what politicians they wish to put on the payroll, for paid favors.
The Cartel is anything but fair to those who are not members. If somebody is looking to gamble their coins away or a shop owner who needs a protection service, the Cartel of Chance is there to provide it.
Job Board
The job board is where new members of the Cartel of Chance can prove they have what it takes to move up in the ranks. There’s always new entrepreneurship waiting for you to learn from and help operate. This is the place where you make your bones and pay your dues. Some of the jobs, but not limited to are:
- Collecting debts
- Protection services
- Gambling operations
- Smuggling goods and contraband
- Loan sharking
- Fighting rings
- Drug trafficking
- Extortion
- Racketeering
- Money laundering
Those who earn get noticed. Those who get noticed eventually will get promoted. Those who get promoted, your percentages of gifts back to House Amrizodrix are lowered, and get to keep more of their profits. Eventually, those who have attained this level, will be invited to the inner circles of House Amrizodrix and The Cartel of Chance.
Benefits and drawbacks
Some benefits of joining the Cartel of Chance would be protection from other criminal organizations, a sense of community and camaraderie, and a place to call home. The Cartel would also provide its members access to jobs, business opportunities, and training in various skills. Additionally, members of House Amrizodrix would be able to take advantage of the House’s trade secrets to help them avoid detection and blend in with the general population.
One downside of being in the Cartel is that you must adhere to a strict code of conduct. This could be anything from not speaking out against the House to not committing crimes that would bring negative attention to the organization. Failure to adhere to the code of conduct will guarantee that nobody will know who you were or what guild you were a member of when your body is eventually found.
You and the Cartel
Being a Cartel member is like being part of an exclusive family. You have our word that we will take care of and protect you, but there are consequences for breaking that contract- extremely painful lessons if need be!
So keep up with all those tasks no matter how big or small they seem; it helps move quickly through the ranks within this organization–but don’t forget who calls all shots here: “They” do… And never work against yourself by trying any funny business because ‘they’ can get you every time.
A renowned reputation
House Amrizodrix is the perfect place for those looking to get ahead. With its tight-knit community, members can always rely on others to have their back. The Cartel of Chance provides access to various jobs and business opportunities, which can help you make a name for yourself. Moreover, House Amrizodrix offers protection from other criminal organizations, so you can rest easy knowing that your safety is guaranteed.
If you want to learn more about the nature of the Cartel of Chance, there is an ongoing conversation and content at the bottom of the page.
So what are you waiting for?