Fraternity of the Raven
House Nyessagorm
We are the Fraternity of the Raven, and we are Murder. House Nyessagorm is a fraternity of spies that focuses on gathering information and using it to their advantage. They are the best at blending in with their surroundings and going unnoticed. Their skillset allows them to be successful in dangerous situations. House Nyessagorm offers rigorous training in the art of spycraft to all its members. Once you’re a member, you can expect to undergo advanced training courses. As a member of House Nyessagorm, you will be expected to complete contracts for the guild and gain the spoils of your success. House Nyessagorm is the perfect place for those looking for a challenge and up for a little bit of danger.
We are known as such because death follows us wherever we go – whether in the heat of battle or the shadows of night. We strike fear into the hearts of our enemies and those who cross our path, for we are the embodiment of death itself.
We are a fearsome fraternity, and rightfully so. House Nyessagorm is known throughout the land as a force to be reckoned with. We always travel in three, and our eyes are always upon you. We know your secrets and have seen your every move. Some say that we are the very personification of death. Whether this is true or not, there is no denying that we instill terror in all who come across us.
If you find yourself in darkness, beware. For the Fraternity of the Raven is watching… and waiting.

We are the hand you will never see

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

We are the hand you will never see
Time is the one thing I haven’t stolen…yet.
We’re not above the law…already have one.
Nice castle you have. Shame if it got broke.
Birds of a feather…
Your Secrets Is Our Business
House Nyessagorm offers all its members rigorous training in spycraft art. Once you’re a member, you can expect to undergo advanced training courses. As a member of House Nyessagorm, you will be expected to complete contracts for the guild and gain the spoils of your success.
The Fraternity of the Raven is where spies learn how to get information from people. They learn how to disguise themselves and go unnoticed. They also learn to use special tools and equipment to help them in their missions.
Tools Of Our Trade
- Disguises
- Finding and Making Hidden compartments
- Lock picks and other burglary tools
- Maps and navigation tools
- Spyglasses and other visual enhancements
- Telescopes
- Writing implements and secret messages
- Surveillance equipment
- Codebooks and ciphers
- Poison and other toxins
As you can see, House Nyessagorm offers a wide range of training for its members to best equip them for their missions. No matter the mission, House Nyessagorm has the tools and resources necessary to help you succeed.
Each recruit that works in House Nyessagorm is handpicked. You don’t end up as part of our fraternity by chance, as it was foretold, you can say, for those who belong, it has always been in your blood, waiting to be discovered.
Each potential member has to go through rigorous testing of the mind, and the body, as to be a member of our fraternity is for life. You see, after you have proven yourself, there is a final test. In this test, you either pass and live or fail and die. Each potential candidate when they reach this last stage is well aware that they might not make it out. The choice is simple: drink from the chalice and become immortal…
Our training is rigorous, and many do not make it through to the end. At each step of their training, there are doors that they can choose to walk through, which will lead them away from the fraternity. For those who choose to leave, we have a technique that ensures they forget everything they have learned. This way, if they are ever captured, they will not be able to speak falsely about us. This is done as protection for the fraternity. In fact, the only thing that any candidate who leaves us freely will remember is that they came to our doors and found them locked.
The final graduation ceremony for the candidates is a test, of sorts. It is truly not a test, but more of a rite of passage. The candidates’ loyalty has been proven with their zeal and techniques learned and earned. The final ceremony dates back to the First Age, at the start of the great war. Times were different back then but the challenge remains the same. The First Ones designed the test to weed out those who were not worthy of being their followers. The candidates who pass with flying colors are given a proper burial. The Second Age was a time of peace and prosperity. The Third Age was a time of war and chaos. The Fourth Age was a time of peace and prosperity once again as the cycle goes, back and forth.
The First Ones were a group of beings who were said to have the ability to see the future. They foretold that a great darkness was coming, and in order to battle it, they would need spies. In order to create these spies, they built a chamber that would make physical and mental modifications to those who entered it. However, the chamber only worked if the person entered of their own free will. Those who did so would experience pain for a short time, but the process was quick. At a genetic level, the chamber would seek out something in the person’s blood and allow changes to occur. It is unclear exactly what these changes were, but they supposedly gave the person special abilities that would help them in battle.
The ceremony is conducted in a special chamber that has been consecrated for this purpose. The floor of the chamber is engraved with a complex series of symbols and sigils, and the walls are lined with candles. In the center of the room is a great cauldron, filled with a bubbling black liquid. Around the cauldron stand the members of the coven, each clad in a long black robe. The High Priestess stands at the head of the circle, her arms raised in salute to the midnight sky. When all are assembled, she begins to chant in a voice that echoes through the chamber. As she chants, the candles begin to flicker and dance, and the surface of the black liquid boils and churns. The Rite of the Raven is one of the most important ceremonies in our tribe. It is a time when we become Ravens – flying creatures who can soar through the skies and see the world from a whole new perspective.
The ceremony was enacted with great solemnity. The High Priestess, flanked by her two acolytes, knelt before the Chamber and bowed her head in respect. She then intoned the words that had been passed down through the generations, telling of the creation of the world and the people who had first populated it. She spoke of the great cyclical nature of time, and how the chamber had been created to protect those who slept within it from the ravages of the seasons. Finally, she paid tribute to the House Nyessagorm, who had been entrusted with its care. After a moment’s silence, she rose and signaled to the acolytes, who each took a position on either side of the chamber before it is activated, as it was written.
This chamber is all that remains of the lost city of Nyessagorm, and it is said that within its walls lies the key to salvation. The candidate goes in alone, carrying nothing but the knowledge of their ancestors. Once the process has been completed, and the chamber doors open, either the candidate has completed the process, and flies out, or the two acolytes positioned at either side of the chamber door will remove what remains and prep for the next candidate. It is a great honor to be chosen for this duty, and it is an honor that has been passed down from one generation to the next, especially for those who complete the transformation.
House Nyessagorm is a fraternity of spies, and as such, its members are trained in unique combat and information gathering. They know how to defend themselves in their natural form; however, every member of the Guild has a unique ability they can draw from. When House Nyessagorm members need to escape quickly, they turn into ravens. This is a special power that is given to them upon their graduation, that helps them avoid being seen and helps them get away.
This ability to blend in and go unnoticed makes them such effective spies. In situations where it would be unnatural to see a bird, they will return to their previous form to help blend in. This allows them to get close to their target without being detected. Ultimately, their ability to take flight and escape detection makes them valuable members of the fraternity.
Guilded benefits
The benefits of joining House Nyessagorm are many. First and foremost, you will receive rigorous training in the art of spycraft. This will give you the skills you need to be successful in any situation. You will also be given advanced training courses, which will help you further hone your skills. As a member of House Nyessagorm, you can also expect to receive the spoils of your success.
This may include better quarters, food, earned coins, attire, and an advanced training course in your chosen skillset. House Nyessagorm is a fraternity of spies that focuses on gathering information and using it to their advantage. They are the best at blending in with their surroundings and going unnoticed.
Their skillset allows them to be successful in dangerous situations. House Nyessagorm offers all its members rigorous training in spycraft art. Once you’re a member, you can expect to undergo advanced training courses. As a member of House Nyessagorm, you will be expected to complete contracts for the guild and gain the spoils of your success.
If you’re interested in joining House Nyessagorm, contact the guild master and express your interest. Once accepted into the fraternity, you will be expected to undergo a series of tests to gauge your skills. These tests will help House Nyessagorm determine which area you would be best suited for. After you have graduated, your real training will begin immediately.
There is no time to waste when it comes to being a spy. So what are you waiting for? Contact House Nyessagorm today and start your journey toward becoming a master spy.