The Thieves Guild

House Alkozomier

The thieves’ guild is one of the most ancient professions, second only to prostitution. It takes someone with some vision and insight who’s not afraid to take risks for profit!

Like any other profession worth its salt, there are levels within this trade that you can rise through by completing your apprenticeship – but it’ll be difficult, if not impossible because many people don’t make it past becoming an apprenticing thief…

Symbol for the Thieves Guild, House Alkozomier

Somebody must have taken it

Symbol for the Thieves Guild, House Alkozomier
©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only. 
Symbol for the Thieves Guild, House Alkozomier

Somebody must have taken it


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Symbol for the Fraternity of the Raven, House Nyessagorm

Ever hear the saying “thick as thieves”?

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Symbol for the League of Outlaws, House Glagonmorah.png

We’re not above the law…already have one.

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Symbol for the Cartel of the Dragon, House Amrizodrix

Nice castle you have. Shame if it got broke.

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You say, thief, I say opportunist. Same difference.

~ Freddy (Magic Fingers) Spinoza

Opportunity Knocks

House Alkozomier The Thieves guild is known for having the most skilled thieves, allegedly, of course! This is why so many try to join, but not just anyone can join. After all, we have a keep upon to keep up! It is unwise just to drop by unannounced as the Guild is elaborate traps designed to kill or incapacitate uninvited guests.

The Guild traps various principles, including pressure points, motion sensors, gasses, and other unsavory options. House Alkozomier members know where to step and what not to touch even when they are in the Guildhall. Our traps can be triggered by unsuspecting guests who decide to see for themselves what goes on behind our Guild doors, or worse, the misguided promise of a reward by others.

So if you are a guest and find yourself caught in a House Alkozomier trap, fret not, as we’ll have you quickly! However, should you wander into the Vaults, you’re on your own; just let us know who you’re next of kin is ahead of your visit, ok?

Born into a life of crime

Typically, being a thief isn’t one’s first choice in life. Many stories of how people go from living life to living on the street vary… Issues at the homestead, family in exile, you escaping the religious orphanage, whatever the reasons are, the destination is always the same. Those flush with coin look down upon what most call the street dwellers. These are individuals or siblings that are trying to survive on their own. Regardless of the beginning, many find themselves with no family, having to survive out of want and out of need. At times, one can make money through illegal activities, which can become a way of life if one excels in it.

You learn you are not alone if you spend enough time living hand to mouth. Believe it or not, there are good and bad people in the world of Ertha. Those looking to exploit street dwellers, while others want to help. Depending on who you become friends with or lose alliance with, you might find yourself at the doorstep of the Thieves Guild.

Wait, you’re a what?

You know who we are, right? We don’t think of ourselves as criminals. I’m an investor looking for my next investment! Those in my line of investments are known for their stealth and ability to disarm traps and pick locks, so I’ve heard. I am also told many are skilled in acrobatics and sleight of hand, care to see a trick?

Now, if we are speaking hypothetically, I am told that Thieves use a variety of skills to accomplish their goals. These skills include Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of hand, Stealth, and Survival. Why does one need all these skills? You must be wondering, well, depending upon the investment, one or all of these skills are needed to (cough) close the deal.

Join the Thieves guild

If you’re looking to join the Thieves Guild, House Alkozomier is the place to be. Here, you’ll need to prove yourself worthy of joining the elite group of thieves. You’ll have to pass a series of tests and prove your skills in stealing and thieving before being accepted into the guild. Once you pass their rigorous testing, you’ll have access to all membership benefits. Joining the Thieves Guild is no easy task, but with hard work and dedication, you can become an essential part of House Alkozomier. The rewards are great, and the opportunities are endless.

Advantages of joining the guild

Joining the Thieves Guild is a great way to access some of the most exclusive and powerful contacts in House Alkozomier. The Guild is one of the oldest and most notorious organizations in Ertha, and it is a great way to make a name for yourself. As a member of the Thieves Guild, you will be able to develop your unique skills while learning from more experienced thieves. You will also have access to resources such as safe houses and secure areas where you can store stolen or acquired items through other means. Joining the Thieves Guild gives you access to powerful contacts and resources, making it one of the best choices for those looking to start out in what is often referred to as the second-oldest profession.

Plethora of options

Thieves are a versatile class that can help in several different ways. They can play as a stealthy character who sneaks around undetected or as more daring character who uses their skills to take what they want. Remember, regardless of how you play, your chief edge is knowledge. The more you know about your mark, the easier it will be to liberate them from what you seek. Always remember, the greater the risk, the greater the reward!

Earning your keep

Earning your keep is an age-old concept everyone earns their way in life. In a guild, you are expected to kick back some of your earnings to the guild funds. This money can be used for contracts that get you out of trouble and other guild projects. Everyone earns their way, and no one gets anything for free; there is no free lunch. The guild funds come from the members’ jobs and tasks, so they must all work together to ensure everyone can benefit from the available resources. Earning your keep is a way of showing respect and responsibility to those who have helped you along the way, and it’s also a great way to ensure that everyone has access to what they need.

Knowledge is power

Every member of House Alkozomier is known for their cunning and skills in acquisitions, their agile abilities in acrobatics, and their sleight of hand. Also, every member of House Alkozomier has access to their extensive library, local politics, and current events. This allows our members to be quick-witted in a variety of situations. House Alkozomier’s library is not just for books, it also has a section for poisons and their antidotes. This is just a small example of the type of power that comes with being part of House Alkozomier.


House Alkozomier can offer its members several benefits, including:

  • A safe place to stay: House Alkozomier has several safe houses throughout the city. Members can use these safehouses to rest and recuperate between jobs
  • A network of contacts: House Alkozomier’s network of contacts includes fences, merchants, and other criminals. This network can help members find work or sell stolen goods
  • A cut of the take: House Alkozomier takes a percentage of the proceeds from every job their members complete. This cut can help fund the Guild’s operations or give members pay for their services
  • Training and education: House Alkozomier offers its members access to training and education in various skills, including stealth, lockpicking, sleight of hand, local politics, poisons, and antidotes. This training can help members improve their skills and become better thieves (cough) and Investors!

House Alkozomier is always recruiting skilled individuals who wish to join our ranks. If you think you have what it taGuildthen, we urge you to contact us!

If you want to Guild and more about the Thieves Guild, there is an ongoing conversation and content at the bottom of the page. Until then, stay safe and watch your back!

Thieves guild hubs

The Thieves Guild Hubs are constantly in Ertha’s cities, towns, and kingdoms worldwide. They’re often found in taverns or seaports, sometimes even in small sea towns. It’s remarkable how far these hubs reach – it seems that there’s one in nearly every city! They serve as a way for thieves from abroad to check in and donate their plunder, making them an invaluable asset for the guild. Whether you’re looking for where to check in or store and donate your ill-gotten gains, you can be sure you’ll find Thieves Guild Hubs where ever you go.

For those thieves who are on assignment, sometimes, recently acquired inventory needs to be stored in a safe place where you don’t have to worry about it getting stolen (ironic, I know). The Thieves Guild Hubs are the perfect place. Depending upon where in Ertha you are, and your rankings within the Thieves Guild, you either get free storage or fee-storage; either way, there are no questions asked, just a request for the duration of storage time. The Thieves Guild Hubs are also a great place to find jobs, crews, and supplies. The main Guild treats the hubs as extensions of themselves. This means that anything that goes on is made aware.

In the company of Thieves

There is a unique sort of glory to be found when liked minded thieves work together in a thieves guild, each member contributes to the success of heists, feeling a sense of contentment at the end. It takes a certain type of person to throw caution to the wind and take part in such activities – someone who’s not afraid of danger and has an eye for wealth. The thrill that comes with pulling off a daring heist is one that cannot be matched by anything else, making it all worthwhile in the end. While some may view these acts as wrong and criminal, others see them as an exciting way to make their mark on the world and gain recognition among their peers. In the company of thieves, there is always something new and exciting awaiting those brave enough to join their ranks!

Expulsion from the guild

Being expelled from a guild is never something that anyone wants to experience. If someone breaks the guild rules, which are usually few, they will be met with stern reprimands and possible expulsion from the guild. Breaking the rules creates unwanted attention for the guild and its members, which is not tolerated. Even if a member does not break any rules but does not work hard enough or fails to earn their keep somehow, they can still get kicked out of the guild. Expulsion from a guild is certainly something that no one wishes to experience, as it can lead to exclusion from an otherwise close-knit group.

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©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only. 

Stolen Words

The City’s Underbelly

Delve into Ertha’s underbelly, exploring the hidden network of safe houses, the lifeblood of House Alkozomier’s operations, where audacity, cunning, and camaraderie converge.

Code of Honor

Dive into the unique ethical code that guides the members of House Alkozomier, navigating the delicate balance of honor and stealth in the world of thievery.

Legendary Heists

Immerse yourself in the thrilling tales of audacious heists and cunning tactics that echo through the shadowed halls of House Alkozomier.

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Unseen Lives Unveiled

Dive into the shadows of House Alkozomier and discover the intriguing unseen day-to-day life, training, camaraderie, and personal tales of its audacious Guild members.

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Playing with Fire

Explore the high-stakes dance and playing with fire between the Thieves Guild of House Alkozomier and the House of the Holy Rollers, where survival hinges on intricate strategies, ruthless maneuvers, and a complex code of loyalty.

The Guildmaster

The Guildmaster

Unravel the intricate hierarchy of House Alkozomier, where each rank plays a crucial role in the Thieves Guild, under the formidable reign of the Guildmaster, sparking intrigue: respect, fear, or ambition?

Shadows and Coin

Shadows and Coin

Delve into the enthralling world of Ertha’s Thieves Guild, House Alkozomier, where a humble bronze coin carries profound symbolism, shaping the shadowy realm’s economic dynamics.

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Labyrinth of Shadows

Labyrinth of Shadows delves into the dangerous architecture of House Alkozomier, offering insights into the detection, evasion, and disarmament of its cunningly concealed, perilous traps.

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Secret Techniques

Echoes of the Night unveils the clandestine secret techniques of House Alkozomier, Ertha’s stealth artists, unveiling an eternal dance between shadows, silence, and the tantalizing enigma of thievery

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