The Necromancers Guild
House Olorofen
House Olorofen has a long and dark history. It is a house of necromancers, and many of its practitioners have been known to raise the dead for their purposes. This House is also known for its mastery of magic, particularly the dark arts. Surgery through unknown means such as transferring matter or even soul-related sciences for clinical applications. The Necromancers Guild is of death and magic, and its members are some of the most powerful necromancers in the world.

Death is no excuse

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

Death is no excuse
Guild of
Do you mind spelling that for me?
School of
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Alliance of
Watch close now, this one’s a real charmer.
Dying will be the least of your problems…trust me on that.
Necrotic Endeavors
There is a great deal of mystery and power surrounding necromancers. They often depict dark, brooding characters wielding great power over death. But what is a necromancer really, and why do they have such a bad reputation?
Necromancers are often misunderstood. People think that they are all about dark magic and summoning evil spirits. But the truth is, necromancy is simply the practice of using magic to interact with the dead. This can be done for various reasons, such as communicating with deceased loved ones or gaining insight into the future. Necromancers can also use their powers to create undead creatures, which can be used as servants, allies, and even cannon fodder.
Despite their reputation, necromancers are not inherently evil. Many of them are quite neutral in their alignments. However, their power over death is often seen as a corrupting influence, so they are often mistrusted by those who do not understand them.
If you’re interested in becoming a Necromancer, you should keep a few things in mind. First, your character will need to have access to appropriate spells. Second, you’ll need to roleplay your character well to avoid appearing evil. And third, you’ll need to be prepared to deal with the consequences of your character’s actions, as the use of necromancy can often have unforeseen and dangerous consequences.
Guild Benefits
There are many benefits to joining the Necromancers Guild. As a member, you will have access to all the guild resources, including spellbooks, training, and other necromancers to help you study. You will also be able to join in on discussions and learn from others who share your interest in death and magic.
Most importantly, as a member of the Necromancers Guild, you will gain access to powerful spells and abilities that can help you in your pursuits. These include spells that allow you to raise the dead, summon undead creatures, and control the minds of others. With these spells at your disposal, you can accomplish great things and explore the dark secrets of death and magic.
The Value
When you look at the resources (or the lack thereof) one can find or hope to find; you never get a true sense of belonging. Some should view being part of the guild as providing an alma mater to your character’s class. To show the vastness of the guild and that it exists on every major continent, in every culture, society, town, and kingdom. That there is a master repository of knowledge from this ancient and yet secretive sect of class. The secrets from the Book of the Dead are available to all who seek it as other books on the subject.
When a player is a member of this guild and is out on an adventure, you might be able to turn the tide from an encounter, as a guild member cannot attack another without sanctioning it. You could be in a situation and just have a sense that you are encountering another guild member, where just the notion that you are brothers or sisters under the same guild may not sway them to join your cause, but it will stop them from further attacking.
The Necromancers Guild
The Necromancers Guild is a powerful and respected organization within the magical community. The guild is the perfect place to start if you’re interested in becoming a necromancer.
The Necromancers Guild is dedicated to the study and practice of necromancy and is the keeper of the Necropolis. They offer a variety of resources and benefits to their members, including access to advanced spells, discounts on magical items, and support from fellow necromancers.
The Necromancers Guild is also a great place to make connections. The members are diverse and well-connected, and they can provide you with invaluable resources and advice. If you’re looking for a place to hone your necromantic skills, the Necromancers Guild is a perfect choice.
To join the Necromancers Guild, you’ll need to pass some tests and provide a certificate that you have passed the proficiency tests that Apprentice Adept provides to all applicants. You’ll also need access to the appropriate spells, your tools of the trade, and some experience in the Necrotic world (experience, adventures, battles, etc.). If you meet these requirements, you can apply to the guild.
Once you’re accepted into the guild, you’ll be able to take advantage of all the resources and benefits it offers. You’ll also be able to contribute to the guild’s collective knowledge and help further the study of necromancy.
The guild’s main temple is headquartered in the Necropolis, located in the country of Mordenthor. The city is a hub for magical activity, and it’s home to various shops and businesses that cater to the needs of necromancers.
You’ll be given a list of duties and responsibilities if accepted into the guild. These include attending meetings and events, participating in research projects, and teaching classes. You’ll also be expected to maintain a high level of activity within the guild, and you’ll need to adhere to the guild’s code of conduct.
Code of Conduct
The Necromancers Guild has a code of conduct that all members must follow. This code of conduct includes behavior, dress code, and ethics guidelines.
Members are expected to behave respectfully and professionally. They are not allowed to engage in disruptive or inappropriate behavior and must always act in the guild’s best interests.
Members are also required to dress appropriately and maintain a professional appearance at all times; after all, our guild has a reputation to uphold!
Finally, members must adhere to the guild’s ethical code. They are not allowed to misuse their powers or knowledge.
The Necromancers Guild is a great way to start your necromancy career. If you’re dedicated to the study of necromancy, there’s no better place to be.
When called upon, the Necromancers guild answers all calls from the Mages Guild; however, typically, the Necromancers Guild will act on its own accord. They have a symbolic relationship with the other houses that all exist under the Mages Guild and an understanding by the other guilds. All guilds may choose to work together, or not at all, as per the design of the charter it; however, in times of war, all guilds will unite to work as one, and the Necromancers Guild is no different.
What’s expected of you
The guild will require your character to grow constantly, to honor all guild guidelines, and honor all contracts. For those new to their class, it is strongly recommended that you spend some time at the Apprentice Adept and learn the basics of Magic before attempting anything of a higher level. Having the certificate will add to the backstory of your character and remind you of methods you may have forgotten to explore when casting spells.
What you can expect
The guild stands by its members. When a situation occurs (and one will always happen), you will have the backing of your guild at your disposal. There are chapter houses everywhere (and we mean everywhere) where one can seek aid and even sanctuary if need be. Every Necromancer member of this guild will find perks such as advance notice when new items are made available, discounts on items when you equip (pending your GM’s acknowledgment and approval), and having the knowledge that your character belongs to a historical roster within the Necropolis.