Apprentice Adept
House Evaka-Lo-Maya
In the vast tapestry of the magical realm, House Evaka-Lo-Maya emerges as a sanctuary for those drawn to the arcane arts. Founded with a profound mission, it lights the path for aspirants seeking to harness the unbiased dance of energies that is magic. This power, an extension of one’s intent, is as neutral as any tool; its course is determined by the wielder’s will. At House Evaka-Lo-Maya, age, origin, or beliefs fade into insignificance, as a noble heart and an insatiable thirst for growth are our cherished prerequisites.
Initiation into our esteemed House begins as an Apprentice Adept, a journey demanding unwavering commitment but offering unparalleled rewards. Should the allure of magic resonate within you, know that our doors stand open, ever-ready to guide you through your enchanting voyage.

Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow
Guild of
Do you mind spelling that for me?
Alliance of
Watch close now, this one’s a real charmer.
Society of
The dead still serve a purpose in life.
Every great practitioner started at the beginning as a nobody.
~ øütha the all powerful
In a world awash with the mysteries of magic, understanding it might seem daunting. Yet, with dedication, the esoteric becomes the familiar. The Guild of Mages, an institution of rich tradition and expertise, provides a structured path for every aspiring magic-user, guiding them from novice to mastery. With every hall echoing stories of ancient power and modern marvels, it’s more than just learning; it’s about becoming part of a legacy.
Journey through the steps
Magic isn’t mere spells or potions; it’s a scientific and interconnected system. As you climb the magical staircase of learning, each step challenges and elevates you:
The Neophyte: Here, you’re introduced to the elements and senses, forming the bedrock of your magical education.
Exemplum: Delving deeper, you’ll grasp The Seven Logics, connecting everyday life to intricate magical practices.
Magus: By this step, you’ve become proficient, ready to weave complex spells and stand at the cusp of true mastery.
Wizard: As a wizard, you have not just understood magic; you’ve become it. Your role shifts from a student to a beacon for others.
Practical dimensions
The abstract meets the tangible when one dives into the practical realms of magical science. Mathematics and geometry shape the spells, determining their potency and precision. And the cosmos, through astronomy and astrology, governs the rhythms of magical energies. Grounded in the reality of Ertha, magical artifacts often harness the power of gemstones. These gems, depending on their nature, amplify spells or focus energies, making them invaluable tools for every mage.
True mastery isn’t just depth but breadth. A well-rounded mage understands the importance of related fields. Apothecary knowledge, for instance, ensures you recognize and source potent ingredients, while Paleontology offers insights into Ertha’s ancient energies. The guild’s extensive curriculum ensures that every apprentice is equipped not just with magical knowledge, but an understanding of the world around them.
Apprentice Adept
Starting as a young mind or even joining from another institution, the Guild of Mages molds you. The guild’s foundation is its Apprentice Adepts, who immerse themselves in basics before venturing into specialized magic. By the Magus stage, the world of guilds opens up. Whether you resonate with the deep incantations of the Wizards Guild or the mysterious allure of necromancy, your path is clear and supported.
You and the guild
Being part of the Apprentice Adept isn’t just about learning; it’s a pact of mutual growth. The guild offers its vast knowledge, hoping each student surpasses the last. Your progress is the guild’s reputation. And while the goal is for each member to advance, ensuring they don’t linger as perpetual students, the bond formed is everlasting.
Practical implications
Magic is wondrous but also treacherous. The guild serves as a safe haven, where mistakes become lessons, not catastrophes. It’s a lineage of learning where the scars, both literal and figurative, are badges of honor and growth. And as you grow, the wider world of guilds watches, ready to welcome your expertise and talents into their fold.
The journey through the Guild of Mages is transformative. From the Neophyte’s first steps to a Wizard’s commanding strides, it’s a journey of growth, discovery, and legacy. Embracing the guild’s teachings not only makes you a master of magic but also an integral part of a grand, magical tapestry. So, with an eager heart and keen mind, where will your journey take you?