The Fighters Guild
House Crono-Mog-Roshuth
Do you have what it takes to join the Fighters Guild? If you’re looking for a challenge, and you’re ready to learn how to fight, then Crono-Mog-Roshuth is the place for you.
The Fighters Guild is a House that is dedicated to teaching warriors how to fight. They are experts in their field, and have taught fighters how to fight since ancient times. If you want to learn how to fight or improve your skills as a fighter, this is the place for you! The Fighters Guild offers a variety of programs that are designed to help you become a better fighter. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned warrior, a program is right for you.
The Fighters Guild also offers open competitions and tournaments to all members. These competitions are a great way to test your skills and learn from fellow fighters. We offer a challenging and rewarding experience for those ready to take on any challenge. Join us today and become a part of a proud tradition!

Looks like I’m gonna need a bigger sword

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

Looks like I’m gonna need a bigger sword
Nice sword. Do you know how to use it?
The Arena
This ain’t no game, kid. You lose…you die.
Ready To Test Your Metal?
Fighting is a skill that can be learned through practice and training.
The more you do it, the better at learning becomes.
It’s Good For You
In Ertha, the Fighters Guild is a place where anyone can come to learn, train and grow in the art of combat. It offers many resources for both GMs and players looking to improve themselves or their characters with knowledge of weapons attacks & abilities, among other things!
House Crono-Mog-Roshuth is where people can come and find fighting instructions, regardless of their skill level. Whether you’re looking for the best strategic approach or want to get in some basic training with an experienced fighter–we’ve got it all here!
The Fighters Guild’s role in society is to provide a place for anyone who wants to learn about combat and improve their skills. The House Crono-Mog-Roshuth offers many resources for both GMs and players, including mentorship programs, reference materials, and an open forum for discussion. The bottom of the page provides an extensive list of topics that can be covered in greater detail upon request or suggestion.
Being a member of House Crono-Mog-Rosuth is like a delicious hearty bowl of soup for your character. Why is the soup analogy important? The soup analogy is important because it illustrates how House Crono-Mog-Roshuth can help you build your character’s backstory. Characters are already in situations that need to be explored through history or other people’s stories before becoming fully realized individuals themselves! The richly detailed world offered by Dicesongs will only add depth when crafting these important backstories–you might even take on solo quests to try out your new character.
In addition to the House Crono-Mog-Roshuth’s role in society, the guild also supports those who need it. The fighters guild can help you with anything from finding the best strategic approach to your situation or constructing the perfect backstory for your character. No matter what you need, the fighters guild is here to help!
Who’s House
House Crono-Mog-Roshuth is a place where people can come to learn about fighting and improve their skills. The House Crono-Mog-Roshuth offers many resources for both GMs and players, including mentorship programs, reference materials, and an open forum for discussion.
House Offerings
- A list of weapons that are available for purchase
- A list of armor that is available for purchase
- Instructions on how to use the different types of weapons
- Instructions on how to use the different types of armor
- A training area where you can learn how to properly use the weapons and armor
- A library where you can find information on different fighting styles
- A list of different fighting styles that you can learn
- A forum where you can ask questions and get advice from other fighters
- House Crono-Mog-Roshuth is a great place for both beginners and experienced fighters alike.
One And All
House Crono-Mog-Rosuth is a Guild House for those who wish to make a living as professional fighters. The guild provides training, work, and protection for its members. It is one of the largest and most influential guilds in Ertha.
Avec Delfini founded the Fighters Guild in the 2nd age. It is headquartered in the city of Firefall in the province of High Peak. The Fighters Guild has several chapters throughout Ertha, with each chapter being led by a grandmaster.
The Fighters Guild is dedicated to the art of combat and the defense of its members. The guild trains its members in the use of weapons and armor and provides work for those who wish to make a living as fighters. The Fighters Guild also offers protection for its members and will often hire mercenaries to defend them from harm.
The Fighters Guild is open to all races of Ertha. To join the Fighters Guild, one must meet the guild master and express a desire to join. There are no requirements to join the Fighters Guild, though some basic training is required before one can begin working for the guild.
- Enter the Fighters Guild and meet the guild master
- Learn about the guild’s rules and regulations
- Train with other members of the guild to improve your skills.
Once a member of the Fighters Guild, there are several ways to advance within the guild. Members can participate in quests and tasks assigned by the guild master, typically defeating bandits or monsters. Members can also earn promotions by training with other guild members or by teaching younger members the ways of combat.
- Go on quests with other guild members to earn money and experience
- Get promoted through the ranks of the guild
- Become a master fighter and help others learn about what it means to be in the Fighters Guild!
House Crono-Mog-Rosuth is one of the most respected guilds in all of Ertha, and its members are held in high regard by both the common folk and the nobility. The Fighters Guild offers its members a chance to live a life of adventure and excitement and to make a living doing what they love. Join the Fighters Guild today, and become a master fighter!
House Benefits
Everyone receives these standard benefits upon being accepted into the Guild.
- Access to better training than what is available at other guilds
- The opportunity to go on quests and earn money and experience
- Protection from harm while working for the guild
- A chance to become a master fighter and help others learn about what it means to be in the Fighters Guild!
These advanced benefits are for the more advanced members of the Guild.
- Access to the best training and equipment available
- The opportunity to go on the most dangerous and lucrative quests
- Protection from even the most powerful enemies
- A chance to become a grandmaster fighter and help train the next generation of fighters!
The Fighters Guild is the perfect place for those who want to make a living as professional fighters. With its excellent training, questing opportunities, and protection, the Fighters Guild is the best place to start your career as a fighter!
Suggestion Box
If you have any requests or suggestions, please feel free to contact us! We are always looking for ways to improve House Crono-Mog-Roshuth and make it the best place for fighters to learn and grow.
If you want to learn more about the Fighters Guild, there is an ongoing conversation and content at the Dicesongs Discord Server.
Thank you for your interest in House Crono-Mog-Roshuth!

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â
Thems’ Fightin’ Words
I’ll Let These Do The Talking
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