Cult of the Veil
House Akhman-Bar’Sleahchadh
Within the Shadow Society’s Assassins, we are the most elite fighting force. Cult of the Veil are shadows among shadows. We conceal ourselves and obscure what you see. By our own hand, we make this pact, on your behalf to expedite you from this world to what comes next. House Akhman-Bar’Sleahchdh, our home in the darkness. We are assassins, warriors, and sisters. We are the Cult of the Veil and we will not be denied.

We Release You From Your Bonds

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

We Release You From Your Bonds
Guild of
All contracts are final and blood binding
The School
Always there is a master and an apprentice
Acolytes of
We are the silence that whispers your death
Mortality is a fragile thing – it breaks so easily
~ X’zho-Thlax | Eater of shadows
Elite Killers One And All
The Cult of the Veil is an elite force of assassins within the Shadow Society. The sisterhood comprises the most specialized and exceptional fighters in all of Ertha. Their targets are typically high profile and require the unique skills that House Akhman-Bar’Sleahchdh can provide. The sisterhood is ready to do whatever is needed to complete a mission, no matter how dangerous or difficult it may be. The Cult of the Veil is highly trained and disciplined as they are a branch of the Assassins Guild. The sisterhood is dedicated to carrying out its missions with precision and efficiency as they are experts in stealth, and skilled in various lethal methods and manipulations.
Their targets are typically high profile and require the unique skills that House Akhman-Bar’Sleahchdh can provide. The sisterhood is committed to serving the Shadow Society with distinction and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. Targets typically include politicians, criminals, and business leaders. Clients also include individuals, houses, and organizations that are typically looking for an edge in a competitive market, whether through assassination, espionage, or sabotage. Contracts are issued to those who stand in the way of their client’s goals.
Elite Tradecraft
The Cult of the Veil training is extremely rigorous and demanding. They are trained to be proficient in all assassination areas, from stealth to close-quarters combat to timed or triggered deadly traps. They also learn how to operate in various environments, including hostile ones.
The Cult of the Veil’s stealth training is focused on learning how to move undetected and silently through various settings. This includes learning to move without noise, camouflage themselves in their surroundings, and sneak up on enemies without being detected. They also learn to use various skills to aid their operations. Their greatest ability is to move out in plain view, as the sisterhood knows how to blend and vanish in a crowd.
The Cult of the Veil elite uses various subject matters that help them complete their missions. Each skill has a specific purpose that helps the assassin complete their mission silently and without detection. Some of their skills are similar to what a diplomat, politician, or spy would also use.
The sisterhood uses different personas as camouflage to blend in with their surroundings. Shadow weave allows the sisterhood to move undetected through shadows, and shadow magic to conceal them from enemies. The ability to work undercover is a skilled trademark of the sisterhood.
Unlike the tradecraft of your typical assassin, the Cult of the Veil has a unique set of unique skills that were taught specifically for their missions such as Incurable poisons, close-quarters combat, and silent weapons that can be used to kill from a distance.
The sisterhood has mastered the art of manipulation and raised it into an art form of its own. Personable soft skills are a key to the sisterhood. They can ask for what they want in a way they rarely ever refuse. With this type of skillset, they can have doors opened for them, where a lockpick would be required.
Looking to know somebody’s schedule, the sisterhood can naturally blend into any job where secrets are passed around in idle conversation to pass the time. The tactic that the most hardened spy would kill over is the ability to ask and receive so that others give away the house secrets. These are just some of the elite tradecrafts in which the Cult of the Veil is trained.
It’s A Kind Of Magic
Shadow magic is a powerful tool the sisterhood uses to complete its missions successfully. This magic allows them to move silently and undetected through the shadows, teleport short distances, become invisible, and see in the dark. It also allows them to create illusions and cast spells that incapacitate or kill their enemies. Each assassin is expected to master the use of shadow magic to become a true master of their trade. The Cult of the Veil’s advanced training is focused on teaching assassins how to use shadow magic effectively and efficiently to complete their missions successfully.
From the ancient Vol’kar scrolls within House Akhman-Bar’Sleahchadh, it is written that Shadow Magic came from the void, and was provided as a tool for the devout members of the founding assassins guild during the First age. The ability to use this type of magic only occurs from an artifact that has to be imbued with the ability, and then, the wielder must learn how to control it, otherwise, it will consume them. The deadly secret that powers this type of magic, is the wielder’s own life energy, so it is only used when necessary, and typically, only for short amounts of time. To date, there is no counter spell to prevent anyone from wielding this ancient power.
T’orath Elder Guard
On the rarest of occasions, The Cult of the Veil is offered an uncommon contract, whereby the request, typically of royalty is requesting to hire the T’orath Elder Guard. This is a specialty sect within the Sisterhood where they are contracted out as protection. Some contracts can extend to the royalty’s bloodline if all the contractual stipulations are met. The key is that any member of the Sisterhood that chooses to accept this contract, might be doing so, for the rest of their lives and thus, it is only a voluntary contract for those willing to accept.
While the sisterhood is in the role of the T’orath Elder Guard, they will stop at nothing to protect their assignments, even if it requires them to provide some level of training that does not violate the bylaws of their support house and guilds. It goes without saying that attachments can occur between the protectors and their assignments, however, every member within the Cult of the Veil has extensive training which can allow them to break ties, when need be.
Those who pick up the mantle of the T’orath are provided with unique training, tools, and skills that otherwise would not be made available to anyone within The Cult of the Veil. The only caveat is that anyone in the sisterhood will not attack another. To prevent this from happening, and not to have any contractual collisions, there are escape clauses built into the T’orath contracts, if ordered to do so, members of the elder guard will have to relinquish their posts. This only can occur when the order comes from on high, within the shadow society, and bears the guild master’s seal from the Assassin’s Guild.
Visually, when the T’orath Elder Guard is present, the imagery that they present surrounding their assignment is a sight to be seen. There are no less than three Elder Guards per person, and two are always required to be present at all times. Throughout Ertha, it is known that when the T’orath Elder Guard is present, the only force that would be superior to them is the Arbiters. It is also worth noting that the technology that the Arbiters use for their tools, weapons, and armor is very similar to what the T’orath Elder Guard also uses, it is rumored that during the great battle of the First age, any weapons or armor that were powered by the Vol’kar could block the advancement of an Arbiters attack.
The Sisterhood
All members of House Akhman-Bar’Sleahchadh are considered family. Every member is a sister to one other. Every night in the guild halls, there’s a meal prepared, and whoever is not out on assignment will partake in the nightly meal. discuss current events, topics, etc. As in all families, there’s a natural competition between the sisters, however, no sister has ever attacked another. These are the foundational rules of the house.
The sisters of House Akhman-Bar’Sleahchadh are fiercely loyal to one another and abide by the foundational rules of their guild. This sisterhood provides a sense of family and camaraderie that is rare in the world of assassins.
While all new assassins are in training, the Cult of the Veil is always looking for those exceptional women who are going through general training. They are invited into the fold whenever they are found, with exceptional skills and mental clarity. To date, with every invitation, none have ever turned away from the sisterhood. Those who join their ranks, become one of the families, one of the sisters, and become something of a legend.