Acolytes of Xy-xo’Fi-tha
House of Ruination
The Acolytes of Xy-xo’ Fi-tha are the silence that whispers your death. They are powerful, dark, and depraved, whose sole purpose is to prepare the world for the apocalyptic collapse of the civilizations you know and to set the stage for the return of the old gods of chaos. They believe that only through destruction can new life be born, and thus they work tirelessly to destroy all that exists. Their methods are vile, and their actions are abhorrent.

The End Is Near

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.Â

They End Is Near
Guild of
All contracts are final and blood binding
The School
Always there is a master and an apprentice
Cult of
You will never be safe from the shadows
We are the dispair that all fear
Lasciate Ogne Speranza, Voi Ch’intrate.
House of Ruination – Acolytes of Xy-xo’ Fi-tha, is not for the faint of heart or those who wish to live in peace. This guild is for those who relish chaos, destruction, and death. This is not it if you are looking for a place to rest your head. This is not it if you are looking for a place to call home. But if you are looking for a place to sow the seeds of discord and disharmony, this is most certainly the guild for you.
The Acolytes of Xy-xo’ Fi-tha can offer you power, immortality, and a chance to change the world as you know it. But be warned, the price is your soul. Are you willing to pay the price? Only you can decide. House Ruination is a place where all are welcome, and all will be judged. A place where only the strong survive. A place where the weak perish.
Always Open
As the saying goes, you can’t have good without evil. And in the House of Ruination, we make sure that’s true. We are a guild of dark and twisted souls who revel in the nightmares of others. We are all that stand between the old chaos gods and their return to power. And we will stop at nothing to see them reborn.
Our doors are always open to welcome any who seeks us out. Those who find us consider ourselves lawful, neutral, or chaotic evil are most welcome at our table, for a seat has been prepared for you. Come feast upon the delights we offer, as we cater to all kinds. Our temples are ready to hear your prayers to the ones below and don’t forget to come and celebrate during the changing seasons.
To some, they are paid by your tears and suffering; however, we accept all forms of currency, both in material things and all living things. Your soul is the ultimate price, for we collect those too. We grant deals for your soul, so be careful with what you want, as we will provide. When the time comes, we always collect – this is a bill you can’t outrun.
Let’s Make A Deal
Welcome, weary traveler. Do you long for power? Immortality? Fame? Fortune? Then House Ruination is the perfect guild for you! We offer deals and pacts to those willing to sell their soul.
Simply put, your soul holds the key to your immortality. If you are willing to forfeit it, be it a trade, barter, or agreement, a certain allowance will be provided while you still exist. All sales are final, so be sure to read over the contract before signing!
Are you ready to join the Acolytes of Xy-xo’ Fi-tha? If so, then House Ruination is your Guild.
Dark Benefits
The Guild members of House Ruination are the ones who have dark powers. All sales are final once the contract is reviewed and both parties agree. The benefits of our Guild are outstanding once the contract is signed.
The Acolytes of XY-Xo’Fi-Tha are a dark and mysterious group. They offer power, immortality, fame, and fortune to those willing to sell their soul. One day, a young adventurer decided to sell his soul to the Acolytes in exchange for ultimate power.
This player was tired of being a lowly adventurer. He wanted to be the most powerful person in the world. He wanted to be immortal so that he could rule over all. And he wanted to be famous so that everyone would know his name. The Acolytes of XY-Xo’Fi-Tha offered him all of this and more.
Our Adventurer signed the contract without reading it carefully and agreed to the lien on his soul, a contract that the Acolytes now hold. He was immediately corrupted and twisted by the dark powers of the guild. He did receive all that he asked for; however, his actions and deeds now pave the way for House Ruination as they prepare for the old gods of chaos to reign.
Those who sign the proverbial contract to join House Ruination become twisted souls. Their powers are provided by the old gods and now act as their agents, and their actions help pave the way for the old gods to reign.
Pacts and Contracts
House Ruination deals in pacts and contracts. The pact you make with the Acolytes of Xy-xo’ Fi-tha is the only contract that overrides the Guild Contracts. House Ruination will grant you what you want in return for your soul.
Your soul-selling contract would be a legal document that would bind you and House Ruination together. The contract would state the terms and conditions of the sale and the consequences for breaking the contract. Both parties would sign the contract, with the Acolytes of XY-Xo’Fi-Tha holding the lien on the soul.
Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions of a soul-selling contract would be binding for both parties. The contract would state that the recipient agrees to forfeit their soul to the Acolytes in exchange for power, fame, and/or fortune. The Acolytes would then provide the recipient with whatever they asked for.
If the recipient found a way to break the contract, a Guild Contract would be issued to House Dwallow-Ghyrnathop – The Assassins Guild that wanted the job. Special dark tools will be provided to capture your soul upon your character’s death and return to the Acolytes of XY-Xo’Fi-Tha holding the lien on the soul.
House Ruination is a guild for those who worship the old gods of chaos. They believe that everything must be razed first to create a new world, and this includes all life, which they see as an offering to their dark masters.
The doors of the House are always open, and they offer deals in exchange for your soul. Once you make a pact with them, there is no turning back. Your fate is sealed, and you will serve the old gods until the end.
Be very careful with what you ask for, as the Arbiters cannot save you, as the Acolytes of Xy-xo’ Fi-tha always collect in the end.