Player Rules
Remember to have fun!
Sometimes players need to be reminded of this rule. This is a game that unfolds before you and your fellow adventurers where the world unfolds before you with each passing moment. Be excited! Explore! Be clever! Always remember to have fun. Don’t take it too seriously. Just role with it.
Appreciate the game & the GM.
A great deal of time, energy and preparation has gone into making sure that each session of game play is designed to be challenging, be fun for an entire group not just individuals and allows you to partake in an exciting adventure. You are not on a solo adventure and the GM is not there to entertain you alone. This is a shared experience.
The GM is always right.
You may be thinking to yourself that is not the case and is stubborn enough to challenge a decision made by the GM that you don’t agree with. While it is true, there are those rare occurrences where a mistake may be possible…in those rare circumstances when challenging the GM’s decision might be what you want to do because it is to your advantage…proceed with caution. Nothing will invoke a faster response of misfortune to your character than challenging the will of the Gods.
The Star Chamber
The Star Chamber consists of some heavy hitters who all carry serious clout in gaming communities. They are known and respected from experience alone. When they are enacted, they can overturn or reverse a ruling. However, the process to activate it may take time to get a final answer because they will go over all the information and draw upon their collective knowledge and experience before a decision is handed down. This will not change the outcome in a game yet; if severe enough, it can change a result for a decision regarding experience, credits, reputation, etc. The Star Chamber is here to serve the community and to be fair and impartial in their rulings. They do not play favoriates or take sides. As a rule or caution, make sure you want to enact the Star Chamber. To the victor goes the spoils and justice will prevail.
Don’t be a bully!
Dominate other players or even a GM during a game is the quickest way to end a game or worse, be asked not to come back. Failure to show respect by letting others make their own choices has reprocussions. Remember this when your character faces almost certain death and the rest of the party decides to let you handle this on your own. The game is about community, belonging and participation. This is not a workplace and you are not their boss. Be respectful of others.
If this is unclear please refer to Rule #1 above. You wanted to play. You joined a group of like minded fellow adventurers. You seek fame and glory. There will be stories of your deeds to be talked about for ages to come. One important thing to remember is everyone has to start at some point. Even if you have to start over again. It’s a game and you’re meant to have fun with it. Take the wins with the loses and remember to smile.
Be mindful of fellow players.
This was touched on briefly with bullying but it can never be stressed enough. The people you game with are more than just players. They are your partners and need to be able to count on you. Be there for them and be respectful as this will form strong bonds in the game and outside of it.
No stealing from other players!
Everyone either knows or has heard tales of games where players turned on their own members steal or kill them and rob them blind. Those players try to reason that it’s just their character’s nature. Or explain their alignment dictates they can or should act this way without consequences. Some players have even gone so far as using class as an excuse stating that’s what they’re suppose to do. These players feel it is completely within their rights to act this way towards others while being totally oblivious to the dark stares of their fellow gamers or the GM who is glaring at them…which tends to foreshadow things that player has now set in motion that will effect their immediate future and continued survival. It cannot be stressed enough as a potential warning in the game that players who steal from their own members sour the game. Their actions sow seeds and introduce elements that can divide a party and even players. Not just in the current game but also for future adventuring. In some cases even revenge can make its way into the dynamics and hover over every action just waiting for a chance to return a past transgression and ruin everyones fun.
Don’t kill party members
Okay, so there is someone in your game that you just can’t take anymore. They transgressed to such a degree or for whatever reason you just don’t like that character. So much that nothing would make you happier, then sending them to the next plane of existence. Maybe it was personal. Maybe you didn’t like the character or the player. Always be mindful that actions have consequences. Sure you could decide to take the initiative and rid the game world of this annoyance. One word of advice, DON’T. If it comes to a point you feel you must act have the GM sanction this duel. Offer an open challenge so the rest of the party does not feel thy have to pick sides.
Your reputation proceeds you
As your character’s exploits begin to spread, so will your reputation be carried like a ripple on water. Word of your deeds will spread throughout the Realm. The way you choose to be and act in the game can come back to you in the most unexpected ways. A reputation can have wonderful positive effects but don’t be surprised that it can also potentially blow up in your face!
Dressed for the part
You can’t take (all of) it with you. Choose what you carry! This is not a Saturday morning cartoon. Be smart and think “what would” when considering your next adventure. Weight, size, noise, how big an item needs to be used, all of this matters. A player in full plate has great protection and will need it because everyone creature will hear the armor as you move with stealth into that next dungeon. Or consider how fast you can climb a rope while wearing full plate. Be aware of personal inventory. The GM must be made aware of equipment before setting off on an adventure. Any surprise equipment pulled out of thin air may not be permitted in the game. This is up to the discretion of the GM, see the rule about GM always being right for clarification.
Whose turn is it?
Remember your turns. This is a turn-based game. If your actions requires some spin up time, this will be accounted for during your turn. Everything doesn’t happen all at once so keep track of yourself and other players actions.
Act the part
Whenever possible, always get into character. You’re among friends so add to the activities. Let people hear who your character is. Don’t just say “my character does this”, use your voice and speak for them. Act it out. Make people smile
Know your limits.
This isn’t a cartoon, so always keep weight and item count in mind. A character can only hold, carry, equip so much!
Even time has rules.
Even time has to be applied. Remember, building, creating, forging, tempering, etc., will take a certain amount of time.