Who am I becoming
One of the most important things to consider when role-playing a character is the evolution and who you want that character to be. Do you want them to be a brave hero or a cunning villain? Or something else entirely? The possibilities are endless, and it’s up to you to decide who your character will become. But as you make these decisions, it’s important to ask yourself: who am I becoming? Are my choices shaping me into someone I’m comfortable with or don’t recognize anymore? It’s a question worth asking because we all have to live with our choices – and ourselves. So take some time to think about who you want to be and why. It might just help you become the person you want to be.
What is a character without a story? It was this question that sparked the inception of Dicesongs. An idea, born of a passionate love for fantasy role-playing games, to provide character resources and tools—including character alma mater from the Great Guild linking backstories—that would be accessible to everyone, absolutely free. The dream was further innovated to include tools specifically designed for the Game Masters (GMs) alike so they could have an even richer in-game experience with the character they had created. With a never-before-seen level of character customization made possible by the imagined world of Dicesongs, fans of fantasy role-playing were presented with endless possibilities to explore.
Crafting characters is like carving a sculpture – it requires skilled finesse, and an internal moral compass to guide the character in the right direction. This moral compass may be unlocked using tools such as stories and ESOP-fabled mini-quests to add depth and complexity to characters, providing appropriate consequences for their actions. Every deed contributes to characters’ reputations – positive or negative – that precede them and block or open up doors of opportunity. Ultimately, only a strong reputation can guide characters through their evolutionary journeys.
Actions & Consequences
When your characters act in the world of Ertha, consequences follow. Your every move and decision unleashes a series of consequences that can never be fully anticipated. After all, the world of Ertha is teeming with secrets and micro-events that ripple outwards as pebbles dropped into a lake. Every slain villain and monster, every new friend made, even the smallest trinkets stolen from an unsuspecting shopkeeper can bring consequences you couldn’t have predicted – alliances forged, enemies remembered, and Guild Contracts suddenly appearing on your doorstep. It’s a brave new world where one never knows what’s around the corner. Wherever you go, consequences follow – but don’t be afraid; they will usually carry more rewards than you realize! With so many consequences to consider, it all comes down to trusting the GM who knows the consequences just as well as you know your character.
Game Tips
Crafting a character is an art, and Dicesongs provides the tools to bring characters to life with depth and complexity. The consequences of each action taken by your character will shape their evolution, ultimately leading them down a unique path that you can only discover through exploration. Whether forging alliances or making enemies, every step brings new opportunities and rewards – if they’re brave enough to take them! So come join us on this incredible journey filled with adventure and discovery as we explore the world of Ertha together. Who knows what awaits around the corner?
We invite you all to join us on this incredible journey and to experience the magic of Dicesongs for yourselves. May luck always roll in your favor, and may your adventures be filled with excitement and adventure.