GM Rules
Always Remember
GMs need to have fun too
It’s a balancing act keeping the game going and trying to make sure all the players are being heard. Things can get hectic and at times, overwhelming. Don’t take this out on the players, unless you happen to be that kind of GM, and (excuse the pun) that’s who you roll. If things get too much to handle, take a step back to get a fresh perspective. See if something is about the way the game is running is actually slowing the game down. Set some ground rules if you need to so that everyone, including you, feels they have their moment. Most importantly, if you’re not enjoying the game, take a break unlit you are ready.
Have fun!
Sometimes players need to be reminded of this rule. This is a game that unfolds before you and your fellow adventurers where the world unfolds before you with each passing moment. Be excited! Explore! Be clever! Always remember to have fun. Don’t take it too seriously. Just role with it.
Appreciate the players
The players are gifting you their time; always remember to keep it exciting and fun!
A game that everyone is playing
Remind them of the players’ rules to Dicesongs and always send them the link before joining the game (or during if need be).
Don’t kill the players off
As a GM always remember, even if they deserve it! Give them all a fair chance no matter how much they honestly might be begging for it! A dead player can’t advance in the game (unless exempted by a Guild Contract, See Guild Contracts Rules.
Be generous
Always offer the Monty Hall set of options. Three is a choice, two is an ultimatum, and one is Voluntold!
Keep things lively but within reason
Keep the Monty Python humor going when possible, but remember not to overdo it!
It’s only a game
Remeber that one.
Be Generous with compliments.
Praise the player when they do a good thing. Remember to look at the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE rules for players who do the right thing by taking one for the team! do the right thing by taking one for the team!
Don’t forget about the extras
Remember your NPCs playing supporting characters in the cast; after all, it takes a village to play a game.
Family Night
If your friends want to bring their kids into a game, a family game (since DICESONGS is intended for an 18+ audience), remember to adjust accordingly. If the kids are getting out of hand, talk to their parent/guarding as they will have to be in the game.
A waste of good meat
Yes, you can eat your kills! If your character has the training or comes from a background covering this sort of thing, your kills can become your rations or offerings to others.
Hey! Leave him alone!
Don’t be a bully or an ass! See Rule #7 & Rule #1.
You are legends
Remember to Journal During a Game! If the game is being recorded, you can always revert to it for your notes, but it’s best to journal during a game and use the audio/video recording for anything you may have missed! You need to keep an accurate record of the players’ deeds, winnings, losses, etc., in a game.
Hat Trick
This isn’t a cartoon, so always keep weight and item count in mind. A character can only hold, carry, equip so much!
Be Present
During A Game this counts double if you are in a video feed or recording a game! If you are distracted, it can ruin a game, make for a poor video and cause folks not to turn. Remember Rules #7 & #1.
You can always pause the game and return another time. Rule #15 applies here.
Tick Tock – Get a Clock
Even time has to be applied. Remember, building, creating, forging, tempering, etc., will take a certain amount of time. Rule #5 applies, so does Rule #7, #3, #2, and #1.
Why reinvent the wheel?
This is a game device to leverage and promote other tools. Ensure you have written permission in advance and Approved before you use it in a game. We honor other people’s work and efforts; if you don’t have written consent, and it causes an issue, a permanent ex-communication from may be applied to your account. has taken the time to get written permission in advance to use specific tools and products in the game that others have created. Honor us and honor them by not making a mistake. Rule #10 applies here.
Word of mouth is a good thing!
It’s okay to promote tools (that have been Okayed by or you have written permission that has a copy of before your game) in the games you play. A little kindness and free advertisement of the said tool goes a long way for the person(s) creation, and