Art of Stealth

Category: Fate's Gauntlet

Assassin’s Guild – Fate’s Gauntlet

©Geoffrey Schumann. Not for resale. Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.


Act One: The Art of Stealth Intrigue

Scene 1: The Summoning

Setting: The dark and dusty headquarters of House Dwallow-Ghyrnathop, deep within the city’s underground. Torches flicker along the damp stone walls, casting eerie shadows.


Guildmaster Thorne (NPC): The stern and calculating leader of the Assassin’s Guild, overseeing the trials.

Player Characters (PCs): Members of the guild, each with unique skills and backgrounds, gathered to partake in the trials.

Guildmaster Thorne: “Welcome, aspirants. Tonight, you embark on the second trial of our guild—The Poisoner’s Puzzle. Prove your worth by crafting a potion that incapacitates, not kills. Choose your ingredients wisely. The target will be one of our own—a willing volunteer. Fail, and you risk more than mere failure; you risk your health. Withdraw, and you miss a chance to ascend within our ranks. Proceed with caution, and may your hands be steady.”

Scene 2: Gathering Ingredients

Setting: A dimly lit apothecary filled with shelves of various herbs, vials, and ancient books on poisons.

Characters PCs

Apothecary Merek (NPC): A cunning and secretive potion master, provides guidance and sells ingredients.
Apothecary Merek: “Choose what you need, but be warned, each herb and venom holds its secrets. Some may enhance your concoction, others may thwart your intentions.”

The PCs must decide what ingredients to purchase or find, using their knowledge and resources. They can interact, negotiate, or even steal, depending on their approach.

Scene 3: Brewing the Poison

Setting: A secluded backroom in the guild, equipped with cauldrons and distilling apparatus.

Character PCs
PCs work individually or collaborate to create their poison. They must roll skill checks to determine the effectiveness and safety of their concoctions. Mistakes could lead to self-poisoning or a botched mixture.




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Act Two: The Trial

Scene 1: The Testing Ground

Setting: A secure chamber within the guild, observed by Guildmaster Thorne and other high-ranking assassins.

Character PCs

Guildmaster Thorne Volunteer Target (NPC): A seasoned guild member known for their resilience.

Guildmaster Thorne: “Present your creations and administer your dose. Watch closely as our volunteer demonstrates the effects of your craft.”

Each PC steps forward to apply their poison to the volunteer. The effectiveness of each poison is revealed through the volunteer’s reaction, and PCs receive immediate feedback.

Scene 2: Judgement and Consequences

Setting: The same chamber, now tense with anticipation.

Character PCs

Guildmaster Thorne: “Let us see who has mastered the art of subtlety and who has faltered. Remember, the path of an assassin is fraught with peril, and only the most adept will survive.”

Volunteer Target (or the GM picks via a die toss, lowest gets picked)

Successes and failures are announced. Successful PCs gain knowledge and resistance to poisons, while those who fail suffer health reductions. Those who withdrew stand aside, safe yet stagnant.






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Act Three: Reflections and Revelations

Scene 1: Aftermath

Setting: The guild’s communal hall, where members gather to share stories and learn from each other’s experiences.

Character PCs

Guild Members (NPCs)

PCs discuss their outcomes, exchange knowledge, and plan their next moves within the guild. This is a chance for character development and setting up future plots or rivalries.

Scene 2: The Path Forward

Setting: Guildmaster Thorne’s office, a sparse and intimidating space.

Characters Prominent PCs

Guildmaster Thorne: “You have shown potential—or folly. From here, your choices will either elevate you to the shadows of power or cast you out into the cold. Choose wisely, for our eyes will always be upon you.”

The scene sets the stage for future adventures, hinting at deeper conspiracies within the guild and the dangerous world of assassins.





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GM’s Tips:

Act One: Introductions and Intrigue

Scene 1: The Summoning

Dice Used:d20: Standard roll for initiative to determine the order of interaction with Guildmaster Thorne.
d20: Skill checks (e.g., Perception to observe details in the environment, Insight to gauge the Guildmaster’s intent).

Scene 2: Gathering Ingredients

Dice Used:d20: Various skill checks are essential here:Persuasion or Intimidation: For negotiating or dealing with Apothecary Merek and others.
Investigation: To find specific ingredients in the apothecary shop.
Stealth: If attempting to stealthily take items without purchase.

Scene 3: Brewing the Poison

Dice Used:d20: Skill checks to craft the poison:Nature or Poisoner’s Kit proficiency checks: For identifying and handling ingredients correctly.
Constitution saves: To avoid self-poisoning in case of mishandling or accidents.

Act Two: The Trial

Scene 1: The Testing Ground

Dice Used:d20: To apply the poison effectively to the target:Sleight of Hand: For covertly administering the poison without causing alarm.
Medicine: To gauge the correct dosage and application method.
d6 or d10: For determining the severity and type of reaction by the volunteer (custom table might be used based on concoction strength).

Scene 2: Judgement and Consequences

Dice Used:No specific dice rolls here unless adjudicating arguments or conflicts between PCs, which would use d20s for appropriate skill checks (Persuasion, Intimidation, etc.).

Act Three: Reflections and Revelations

Scene 1: Aftermath

Dice Used:d20: Social interaction skill checks (Persuasion, Insight) to discuss outcomes and form alliances or understandings with other guild members.

Scene 2: The Path Forward

Dice Used:d20: Perhaps some final checks like Persuasion or Deception with Guildmaster Thorne to set future paths or influence guild politics.


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